1. Galactic Diplomacy
Articles |
Jospeh Burkes |
- Cosmic Peace |
Michael Salla |
- Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With
Extraterrestrials - The
Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact? - Main File |
'Jonathan Andrews' |
- Galactic Diplomacy and Negative Governmental
Responses |
Michael Salla |
- Galactic History According to Alex Collier and The
Andromedans |
Michael Salla |
- Historia Galáctica según Alex Collier y Los
Andromedanos |
Allen Tough |
- Security During the First Thirty
Days |
Jon Robinson |
- Testimonio de un Testigo Apoyando la Legitimidad de
Alex Collier como Contactado |
Michael Salla |
- The Emergence of ‘Track Two’ Galactic Diplomacy with
Extraterrestrial Races |
Steven M. Greer |
- The Foundations of Interplanetary
Unity |
Allen Tough |
- What Role Will Extraterrestrials Play In Humanity's
Future? |
Jon Robinson |
- Witness Testimony Supporting Alex Collier's Legitimacy
As A Contactee |
2. Exopolitics
Articles |
Michael Salla |
- A Report on the Motivations and Activities of
Extraterrestrial Races
- A Typology
of the most Significant Extraterrestrial Races... |
Ed Komarek |
- Ed Komarek Exopolitical Files - Main File |
Alfred Webre |
- Exopolitics - A Decade of
Contact |
Farah Yurdözü |
- Exopolitics - The Human Soul Meets the
Future |
Michael Salla |
- The Failure of Power Politics - as a Strategic Response to the
Extraterrestrial Presence Developing Human Capacity as
a... |
Michael Salla |
- Typology of Extraterrestrial Races - according to Alex
Collier and the Andromedans |
Michael Salla |
- Un Informe Sobre los Motivos y Actividades de Razas
Extraterrestres - Una Tipología de Las Más Significativas
Razas... |
Ed Komarek |
- U.N. Tribunal For Crimes Against
Aliens? |
3. Track
Two Diplomacy Articles |
Susan Allen Nan and Andrea
Strimling |
- Track I - Track II
Cooperation |
Christine Chigas |
- Track Two (Citizen)
Diplomacy |
US Department of State |
- Integrating Track One and Track
Two Approaches to International Conflict Resolution - What's Working? What's Not?
How... |
Gabriel Chiron |
- Intergalactic Politics |
Gabriel Chiron |
- Políticas Intergalácticas |
Michael Salla |
- Rebuilding the Negotiating Middle
in Intractable Conflicts |
University of Colorado:
Conflict Research Consortium |
- Unofficial Communication, Citizen
Diplomacy, & Multitrack Diplomacy |
4. Search For
Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) |
David Brin |
- An Open Letter to Alien
Lurkers |
Anthony Judge |
- Communicating With Aliens - The Psychological
Dimension of Dialogue |
Ray P. Norris |
- How Old is ET? |
Allen Tough |
- Intelligent Life in the Universe - What Role Will It
Play in Our Future? |
5. Others |
Angelika Sareighn
Whitecliff |
- A Guide for Initiating Contact with
Extraterrestrials |
Angelika Sareighn
Whitecliff |
- Minds of War vs. Galactic Diplomacy With
UFOs |
Angelika Sareighn
Whitecliff |
- The Age of Transformation & the New Human
Species |
Angelika Sareighn
Whitecliff |
- Three Steps to Integrate The UFO/Extraterrestrial
Reality |
Angelika Sareighn
Whitecliff |
- Visionary Communications |
Additional Information |
- Contact and Contactees - Main File |
- Declaration for Citizen Contact
- Announced at Earth Transformation Conference |
- Galactic Federations and
- Main File |
- Galactic Freedom Day to Expose Secret Agreements with
Extraterrestrial Groups |
- Historia Exopolítica del Siglo
20 |
- NASA Sponsors Course on How to Talk to
Aliens |
- Sacred Encounters at Lake
- An Interview With Luis Fernando Mostojo
Maertens |
Multimedia |
- Supra-Consciousness - Human Transformation, Earth
Changes & The New World |
- X-Conference 2008 - Press Conference at The National Press
Club, April 21 |
Related Reports |
- About Michael
Sokolov -
Main File |
- About Alfred Lambremont
Webre -
Main File |
- Alex Collier and The
Andromedans - Main File |
- Exopolitics and Michael
Salla -
Main File |
- "Threats to Human
Freedom" - Prepared for All Terrestrial Earth
Humanity |
- Vida en Nuestra
Galaxia -
Main File |